From Pastor Andrew’s Desk

Greetings FCCB family,
Dan Frasier will be sharing from the word this Sunday. Here are his comments for us as we prepare to listen…

James 1:1-12 reveals some crucial facts about the life of a Christian, especially our need to live by faith.

First we read that trials are supposed to cause joy. That may be difficult to accept at surface value and so we will examine why that’s supposed to be true for followers of Christ.

The next major point is that the ideal outcome of trials results in us not lacking anything. What does it mean that we will lack nothing? Does God give us whatever we want, no matter what?
And finally, we will review a promise stated in verse 5: We can ask God for wisdom and it will be lavished upon us generously without reproach. Our inability to sincerely request that wisdom does not paint a pretty picture. Humility coupled with perseverance will prevent that disaster.
Our desire as believers in Christ should be to humbly grow in our knowledge of Him with stable perseverance over time so we are transformed into mature disciple-makers. And that is a beautiful picture.

Dan Frasier – Elder, First Church Boxford